Matthew 4:1-11 - Jesus is Tempted in the Wilderness - Life Application Analysis
This is my review and analysis of Matthew 4:1-11, from the perspective of life application. It is the story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness. Chronologically it happens after Jesus was baptized but before He begins his ministry. Read the story here . To start, I believe Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be alone, as God wanted to gauge his readiness for what was next. He was tempted by the devil with things that were of value/importance to Jesus (otherwise they wouldn’t have been effective). Similarly, our spiritual journey is one unique to us. Other people cannot help us pass these tests. The temptations we face will be unique to us, as they will be the things most likely to get us off track. Prior to being tempted Jesus started fasting. I think Jesus did this in an attempt to grow closer to God, to understand what God’s plan was for Him. If true, even for Jesus it was hard to connect with God, to understand his plan. Thus we must really ded...