My Evidence of God's Existence

So for this blog post I felt it necessary to start cataloging my body of evidence of God's existence.  This isn't a historical deep dive like The Case for Christ (which is an excellent introduction to the physical evidence) however it is what has convinced me.  On the surface it may seem weak, but without these experiences I would likely still be struggling to accept God's existence.

Instances without Doubt

  1. Feb-Mar 2021 - while still an unbeliever, praying for the forgiveness for all my sins I felt a sudden and unexplained warmth in my heart. It came out of nowhere and was something I had never experienced before nor have again. To me it is with certainty that this was the Holy Spirit.  This was my literal come to Jesus moment, an unforgettable experience.
  2. May 12, 2021 - when praying and asking God if I am even connecting with him, a slow warmth came over my body. Similarly, this warmth was unexplained. However it was not completely unique as I would equate it to a feeling of great relief/relaxation.
  3. May 13, 2021 - while getting frustrated at work, I had a quick prayer and my frustration was taken away. While I specifically documented this instance, I know there have been many others where I have quickly prayed for God to help me with my emotions and almost without fail He delivers.

Instances that could be Coincidences

  1. Jan-Feb, 2021 - instances where I was talking to God in my car and signs on the road referencing God were noticed or cycled through right as I was asking a question.
  2. May 16, 2021 - the rain stopping perfectly during a storm when I was doing a quick trip to the store. A crow cawing at me while leaving that store. I interpreted these as God speaking to me and/or giving me favor.
  3. August 22, 2021 - the unexplained chill/air movement in the church service. While not unique to this one instance, definitely worth considering. Relevant to this thought is the Greek word (one of the primary languages of the New Testament) pneuma, is how the Holy Spirit is described, but can also translate to a current of air, a breeze.


  1. This is perfect evidence of His existence and the Holy Spirit’s active engagement in your life! As Scripture says in Jeremiah 29, “ You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart”.


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