Kicking Off

Philemon 1:6 NLT


What is this?

This is a place to share my thoughts on living a life of faith in Christ.  A place to share my truths about the amazing power of God.  Its a place to learn and grow.  A place to share struggles and find comfort.

Why are you doing this?

  1. I want to share what I've learned and what I believe in the hopes that it can help someone else.  Not only can God help you escape from the problems that persist in your life, but what He has planned for us is so much greater than anything we can imagine.
  2. Generically, Christ called all followers to share their faith.  More specifically I believe that God has asked me to share my story so that others can experience the gifts God has for all of us.  These gifts aren't strictly relegated to the afterlife; God also wants to give us all peace and joy in this life.

Who are you?

If you're reading this, you probably already know me.  However for clarity, let me share you a brief synapsis.

I grew up in a Lutheran church however my faith was never what I would call real.  I did and said what I was taught, because that's what authority figures required.  By the time I was in high school I was already falling away from faith.  In college and all of my adult life up to the beginning of 2021 I was a self-described atheist.

As an adult, by most external measures I was winning the game of life.  I had a wife and two kids, multiple college degrees, a great job, minimal debt, no addictions or bad habits, good health, etc.  But on the inside I was suffocating.  I had no joy in life, only anger or emptiness.  I struggled with depression.  Things really took a dive after the death of my grandfather and the situation surrounding it.  Despite trying to realign my life and move on, even attempting counseling, things were never the same (and things were never great before that either).

In the depth of my depression I reached out to a co-worker who was a Christian.  I felt I had tried everything and was willing to do anything to get better.  Slowly but surely things started to come together, and after a few months I found that faith in Christ was the answer I was seeking.  Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but its better than it has ever been.

Fast forward a few months and we come to today.  A place where I still have a million questions but am convinced that God is real and that He has always been and will be on my side.


  1. Thank you for sharing your story. I am glad you allowed your heart to be softened.
    I cross paths with so many others who have a similar background, but have not yet been convinced to "return" to faith. I often wish I could convince them in the one meeting I usually have, and pray that my words were helpful to them.


  2. Wow; I love this story! As long as we are breathing air into these lungs, our perfect, unfailing and forever loyal Heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are NOT finished making us a little more like themselves each day. The fact that we have tons of questions means we are seeking. As Scripture says in Mark 9: 23-24, “Jesus said to him, If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes. Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”

    This applies to ALL of us because this side of Heaven, we will always have some form of doubt or unbelief. We will have doubts because, just like our children, our minds are limited in knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Who can truly know God in EVERY aspect of His infinite attributes? Lifelong theologians say that their PhD’s have only begun to scratch the surface. Does that mean we quit seeking The Lord? By NO means. He said, “When you seek me, surely you will find Me”.

    Brother, I’m certain our Father looks at your work and your new life in Christ as His heart is warmed, as His eyes are pleased and as His countenance is turned toward you with a massive smile!

    You’re a faithful servant! Keep pressing on!

    Blessings over you & your precious family,


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